Calcium Propionate is the standard preservative used in the bakery industry all around the world. However, in this blog we will look at how Sodium Propionate (also confused as Liquid Calcium Propionate in the industry) is a better bang-for-your-buck when compared to Calcium Propionate and a range of benefits that come from using it.

The first benefit of using Sodium Propionate is additional shelf life. Calcium Propionate on its own gives around 3-5 days of shelf life and combined with acetic acid, users may experience 6-8 days. However, Sodium Propionate alone can give 12+ days of shelf life. Users experience lesser rate of return of goods.

Secondly, the quality and softness of the bread is improved significantly. Calcium Propionate makes the bread flaky/crumbly after a few days. This happens because the bread starts to release moisture. Sodium Propionate on the other hand keeps the bread fresher and softer for a longer period of time so your consumers can enjoy better quality bread for a longer period of time.

Moreover, using Sodium Propionate is more cost efficient compared to Calcium propionate. Companies use Acetic Acid along with Calcium Propionate for a better shelf life since preservation is maximised when the dough has an acidic pH level (5.2-5.4). Liquid Sodium propionate is already acidic in nature and eliminates the need to use Acetic Acid. With soaring prices of Acetic Acid, companies can expect better profitability if they switch to Sodium Propionate.

All these benefits make Sodium Propionate not just viable but a better alternative to Calcium Propionate.